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"If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” - John 8:32

ARE YOU KING OF THE JEWS (The name)? You come up on this on your own or did someone tell you thats who i am? What first hand you have of that?

What is the Truth? Do we recognize it when we hear it? Pontius Pilate, a confused leader, in a 2000 year old conversation (yet strangely relevant today) acknowledges his inability to do it by himself. In this touching excerpt of "The passion of the Christ", the eternal words of Jesus echo: "Those who listen to my voice, listen to the Truth."

I took the system to its maximum potential. I created the perfect system!

"The thing about perfection is that its unknowable. It's impossible... but its also right in front of us all the time"


What is the truth other than what one perceives in the moment? Would it be best to always speak the truth when dealing with brothers and sisters? Who knows, but it might at least keep one out of controversy even if others don’t want to hear the truth.  I believe there is a maxim that reads one is not required to talk about that which one has no first hand knowledge. colloquially, I guess it would read –  don’t talk about shit you don’t know. Another maxim I believe is that hearsay is inadmissible – refrain from spreading rumors and gossip, basically. How is it that you would have a better chance of speaking the truth? Could it be by only speaking of matters of which it appears that you have first hand knowledge?


If a so called cop asks you if you have a drivers license, instead of saying yes, would it be best to say “allegedly?” I mean, how do you know that you have a licence other than by going off of what others have said and what you have read? If you submit what others have said and what you have read to be evidence as to the truth of the content of what others have said and what you have read, would you be introducing hearsay? If you swore to have first hand knowledge of matters in which it would be impossible to have first hand knowledge- would you be perjuring “yourself” as a witness?


How do you know where you live? How do you know the address? How do you know how old you are? How do you know that you are a citizen? How do you know that you owe taxes? How do you know “your” name? Could it be that these are what you were told? If so, would it be best to say that you believe that you have first hand knowledge that you were told your age, your nationality, your address, town, city, state? Why would one ever swear to have first hand knowledge of any of these matters of which it would be impossible to have first hand knowledge?

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