Keep It Simple, Stupid
Y'all know it's crazy
Oh it's driving me insane
Well, I don't wanna be a superman
I just wanna go somewhere, use my hands
And keep it simple
Oh lord, real simple
You can offer me a diamond-plated pearl;
You can send me all the riches in the world;
You can tempt me with the palaces of kings;
I'd give 'em back in a big ol' sack and keep the simple things
I've got the simple things; I've got the rain in spring
Got spicy chicken wings, and French-fried onion rings
You can line me up a mile of limousines;
For me it don't add up to a hill o' beans;
I got no hankerin' for grabbin' your brass ring;
It's crystal clear - I'll stay right here and keep the simple things
I've got the summer breeze, got 16 cans of peas
A two-speed window fan when it's 93 degrees
So forgive me for not grabbin' your brass ring;
It's crystal clear - I'll stay right here and keep the simple things