Justice System? or Just-Us Assist Them?

"Could it be they made this movie for just-us?"
Roman J Israel Esq (2017)
♫ "Do I believe in god, do I believe in me? Some people want to die so they can be free
I said life is just a game, we're all just the same, do you want to play?Yeah, oh yeah
Controversy "♫
- Prince
Jake Ehrlich Sr. on Carson's Tonight Show mentioning his so called book he published, intrestingly they mentioned the birth certificate name, first hand knowledge and hearsay (1964)
In order for there to be a 'court' there would need to be some sort of controversy between two people? Would it be true also, 'courts' exist, when one submits to the jurisdiction of the 'court' by one making a claim on behalf the name one uses? Would it be smart to refrain oneself from making any claims? Is the Justice up to them or to Just-Us? Could it be, is about asking them on how one can assist them on their so called 'system'? Can 'judges' be nothing but brothers and sisters doing a job and representing the so called 'state'? Many are in the 'state of mind' that there is such a thing as a 'state'? Could it be a dis-ease of mind, and or Santa Claus Syndrome?
"Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do" -John Lennon "Imagine there is one ? Which Is harder?" - Batman
In court if a witness says that a wall was white and nobody rebuts it, it becomes a fact on the record, I believe. In court, on the record, or even off the record, evidence is admitted or denied. Once presented, evidence becomes fact when unrebutted. Lady justice in her scales weights these so-called facts and uses them to make a decision, to come to a judgement. The facts don’t necessarily need to be true (what ever that means), they just need to be admitted and unrebutted and that is what in the eyes of the court makes them facts. They just need to be assumed as true, as far as judgement goes.
This brings to mind the idea of honorable rebuts and dis honorable rebuts. Later, I might talk about the how this relates to contract law.
When we are talking to a brother or sister, a fellow so called human being would it be best to be honorable? If you said that you would be at a place at a certain time, would it be best to honor that as best you can? If you borrowed what another thought was money, would it be best to return it in a timely way?in all this peaceful inhabitant stuff , we want to remain “honorable” with our fellows, is how I see it. And so when the so called man comes after you, the way I see it they also have to be socalled honorable. Why does the “man” have to be honorable? Because the way I see it there is a law in this universe and you will get what you give and also that no being can do to another what they have not consented to on some level. This is not a law because it is a rule, as I see it, but just an observation of the way things are. This noted I guess I have to be ready to have a discussion about blaming of victims and such, and I want to let you know that I believe I have compassion for others and the trials, tribulation, and traumas of life. It is a difficult idea to defend and I will refrain from doing so. I offer it as an idea that you might explore. Hopefully I can clarify it more.
So the idea is like how dracula can’t come into the house unless you invite him in. I think i can find many expressions in folklore and literature of this idea. Or like if you dance with the devil, the devil starts to dance with you. He makes an offer as if he is offeingr for you to lead in a dance and before you know it, he is leading. Now you may not want to dance anymore, but you find it hard to stop. The “man” is like these characters, in that one will never meet the man. The “man” will always be a concept, a character like santa clause.
A maxim, consent gets rid of a mistake or error, means to me that in the rules of the universe, if the “man” can get your consent to dance then he cannot be held accountable for the results of the dance. If he gets one’s consent, he is not accountable for the so called bad consequences as he had only given one an offer to dance, he cannot force one to dance as I see it. If one consents consiously or unconsiously, then one is responsible for the consequences of the interaction. So, if say the devil (an archtype), fucks with you and you haven’t consented, he will get in big trouble. Actually, the way I see it, he just can’t do anything at all unless one consents. It isn’t that he will get in trouble, it is just that he becomes powerless to influence those who do not consent. Of course there seems to be a difference between not consenting and resisting. The consent that the “man” or the “devil” is looking for is the consent to be in a controversy.
So in the battle for the record it often becomes a fact that the so called state is the plaintif. Could this be an example of unrebutted hearsay that becomes assumed as fact. Was the state in there (santa clause) to testify that he or she was a plaintif? Or did some lawyer, some so called representitive of the state offer hearsay evidence and say something like “the fact is that the state has charged you with jaywalking”. In this statement notice how if one tries to rebut the fact that he jaywalked, he is accepting the assumtion in the question that there is such a real thing as an entity called the state, because he has remained silent to the admission of such a so called fact. When we remain silent, we agree is a so called maxim, i have been told and also noticed.
Thanks @ Joe Huston
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Thanks @ Boris